Contact us

Request for Prototyping, Testing and Quotations

Please contact us for both custom-made products and mass-produced products.
We also provide consultation on prototyping and testing.

Our technology allows us to respond to any shape and bristle material.
We can also make proposals tailored to your application and function.

SHOWA INDUSTRIES manufactures brushes using different bristle materials in a wide range of shapes with the technical capabilities of a company specializing in brushes.
We can not only manufacture replacements for existing products but also design new products according to the purpose and application requirements.
Please consult with us for a one-of-a-kind custom-made product, small-lot special orders and mass-produced products.

We have a proven track record in mass production.
We also respond to requests for prototyping and testing.

We can also make prototypes for mass production or OEM manufacturing of brush products.
Please feel free to contact us for samples of bristle material and height, prototypes and testing requests.

Flow of prototyping

Hearing and on-site survey
Please tell us in detail about the use purpose, conditions, objects and current products. In some cases, we will visit the site to conduct a detailed survey.
We will propose the appropriate brush shape and bristle material for your purpose.
Design and mass production quotation
Once you agree on the product direction, we will draw up detailed design drawings and calculate costs.
We will manufacture the actual product according to the specifications on the design drawings.
* Prototypes are available on the assumption that you will place orders in a minimum lot at least, and they may be charged in some cases.
Actual product inspection and mass production order
You will be asked to inspect the actual product.
Once you are satisfied with its specifications and functions, we will move on to the mass production stage.
Mass production

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Outline of consultation
Details of your consultation

If you have documents and drawings, please send them here.

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